Thursday, December 20, 2012

The last time I posted something, was smack dab in the middle of November…2011, and I was passionately writing about my love for Basil restaurant. Well, my passion is still there, but has been redirected to a new love that needed my full and undivided attention.

 It is our brand new baby. No, not the cute cuddly kind that immediately comes to mind. Rather, it is a brand new art/boutique website called Abe and Laura that my husband and I have been nurturing since last November. It was a time when we wrapped ourselves up in a cocoon and left the world as we knew it. I let my imagination take me places, and in that mysterious time period we met with wonderful people, and developed new ideas that can only materialize when you allow yourself to dream and believe.

 We took that plunge, and broke ourselves free from the positions of employees. It was thrilling and frightening as we were leaving behind that sense of calm and security that we were so used to. No longer could we depend on a captain running the big ship, while we simply floated along, going about our day, trusting in his/her care and competence.

 We exposed ourselves to the freedom and risk of beginning a new business venture. We began employing people and took on the challenge of exploring the wide open world of creativity and commerce. Now, we are answering to a higher power. There is a new captain, but at times we need to remind ourselves to trust in that source. I like to call it the Force-rather than G-d or G-dess. It is much more non denominational and less sexist that way.

 I do hope that you have a chance to check out the website and get to learn more about our story on the about us page. Thanks for visiting my blog. Let the Force be with you!

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