Monday, December 31, 2012

Bon Voyage 2012

When was the last time you were able to stick to your list of New Year resolutions, without fail for an entire year? 

      My thinking exactly!  So this time around I am going to go about it differently.
I’m going to go nice and easy on myself, and not do any of that black and white- all or nothing thinking. 
If I miss a day or two (or fifty) it really doesn't mean that I can’t eventually get back on track.  I haven’t failed the mission.  I have another chance!  The only thing that is holding me down from moving forward is me! 

My New Year Resolutions for 2013:  (extra long so that maybe one will stick)

1)Wake up every weekday before the kids by approximately an hour and a half (hmmm. flip clock maybe?)

2) Purchase those extra  pillows I’ve been meaning to get – to replace the ones the kids keep taking from our beds - the kind that don’t make your neck ache when you wake up in the morning .  So far my favorite kind is the mediflow waterbase pillow.  The link...  I never had to actually fill mine up with water yet because it feels good the way it is, but it is nice to know that I have that option…

3) Treat myself to a day out.  At least once every six weeks.  That’s the time to spend pampering, visiting museums, and maybe even going see a nice movie all by myself…well that last one is only if I get really brave! 
4)  Spend at least five minutes every day to watch the sunset and to notice the birds and nature existing outside my window.

 5)  Learn more French!  Learn how to pronounce it too.  I am really liking those French flashcards by Eeboo that I bought for my daughter  from ABC in the City (you must check out their fabulous store-it’s basically a boutique that exploded into an artsy, unique, and one of a kind finds department store). This past weekend, the whole family had such a great time learning together, and I looooved hearing my three and five year old trying to pronounce French words.  So adorable! 

6) Establish a workout routine!   This is my least favorite resolution.  I think I need a personal trainer and a gym in my house if I really want to get this one right.  But for now, I will do what I can.  Maybe I can go back to lifting free weights (boooring) and then doing some boxing on the Wii (exhausting, but so much fun).

7)  Write every day for at least five minutes to keep up the craft and continue to encourage self expression and free flow of thoughts.

I’ll give you my scorecard on 12/31/13!
Happy New Year!

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